How to make Good Impression?
An Expression of smiling that one wears on his/her face is far better than the makeup & clothes that they wear. Your positive behavior or smiling face encourages people to talk with you.
Further, A sales person's job is to sell their products or services. If they will talk to their customers by smiling they are more likely to attract customer's attention towards their product or services. A person who tends to show this quality generally sells more and can handle any situation efficiently.
A shopkeeper without wearing a smile on his/ her face can't attract the customers to visit their shop.
Another, the receptionist in any company, malls, schools & hospitals treats their customers with a smiling face even they are the first employee that the public or customer has contact with.
Therefore, for them, a joyful face is necessary. Whenever you talk with another person forget all the problems of your life try to talk nicely with them, listen to their viewpoints.
Once, I remembered our professor shares this story with us that when he went to the company for the inauguration ceremony. He said the moment I entered there I feel such a refreshing or warming environment that attracts me towards them in just a few seconds. Reason being, the attitude of the employees & their boss towards each other. They all were working together pleasantly. Even they greeted me so nicely, which eventually attracts me towards them, He adds. The reason for sharing this story with you is that, if u have a good nature then you can benefit a lot.
Action speaks more than words. Will, you just recall how a dog shakes its tail by seeing human beings. Even sometimes they almost jump on our bodies. They do so because they are glad and ever make us glad to see them. A small baby attracts us towards them by just smiling or sometimes not even smiling but we feel joyful while we are with them. The reason is that they have the purest smile. Perhaps, Your smile comes out through in your voice which makes another person talk with you nicely.
Further, if you are happy in your inner soul you became able to treat people nicely and in time able to make a good impression. No matter who you are, What you are doing until you are not aware of your good thought you cannot become happy or unhappy.
''There is nothing good or bad, said Shakespeare but thinking makes it so''.
Your one smile either makes your day or makes someone else's.
It doesn't cost you anything but you get a lot.
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