What We Need To Grow ?

 When we think something about growing, the Plants and trees strike in our mind first. Right? As plants need care, so does human. Even so, one more thing that, all the living beings need to grow is - Love and support.

I remembered I had a classmate in schooltime, who was an average student. Most of the time he gained B grade sometimes even C too. He was very good at activities but an average student when it comes to studying. He talked too much. Most of the time he was talking and disturbing others while the teacher was giving instruction. He and the other who was a part of gossiping with him knew that it wasn't helpful but as they were habitual even then they used to talk. So, the teacher always complains to his parents that he neither falls himself nor lets others read.

One day, our English Teacher was on medical leave. So, in her place, a young substitute arrived- who was a sports teacher at our school. As we were no more interested in the lecture so he took us to the playground and ask us to run and play any sports which we like to play. All of us played basketball together and I still remembered that was the best thing of the day. In the end, we came to know that, the average student of our class was no more average in sports even he was the champion. Our Sports teacher was very happy with him. He appreciates him a lot and tells other teachers how he played. Later, he becomes the sports captain of our school, and soon after when he received constant appreciation in sports, he gradually became good at studies.

I personally feel that day or that substitution lecture will be a life-changing experience for him as he was not an average but a good sportsman.

Reson behind sharing this story is- Change happens in a moment, it doesn't take time. What we all need is Appreciation, Love & Support to grow better.

When someone is truly appreciating you or supporting you. Your strength, Worth, and Dignity forces you to do better. Things become easier for us when someone is willing to help us throughout the process. True agent of change is love and support. The more you spread love, the happier you will be.


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