How to make other person feel important ?

I was waiting in the queue to deposit some amount of money. There I noticed that the lady employe who was handling this work appeared to be bored & stressed with her job. Then I thought about what I can do to make her feel important. It has been half an hour standing in the queue. I was still thinking about what to do. Obviously, for strangers, it is difficult to admire because we don't know their quality.
So, when finally my turn came I watched her carefully and remarked happily, I wish I had your beautiful eyes. The moment I admire her she looked up & her face glare with a smile & said many people have admired my eyes. As she was doing her job so we didn't talk more but I am happy that we end up with a good little conversation.
Now you are wondering why I did this to her she is neither my relative nor my friend. Sometimes when you praise someone you are actually giving them happiness. This step of yours can make someone happy all day long. You will lose nothing in fact you will also be happy all day.

Further, I am definitely sure that the lady employ will actually be praising herself by looking into a mirror or might be sharing this with someone. If we do something like that without being asked to do anything in return, it brings us constant happiness and helps us to know about other qualities and learn from them.
Human beings are made up of this. We want the approval of those with whom we are living but if we get it from another person it really makes us feel important. Perhaps,

you really do well when you receive true approval of your worth. In fact, it motivates you to perform ahead in the future.

Those who demean others only disrespect themselves.
- D.B. Harrop


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