Always give Suggestions not orders!
If I ask you How many time you gave suggestions and orders to someone else and Did they get interested in taking your suggestion and orders. Possibly many of them will be from those who would like to take suggestions instead of orders.
Once I remembered when I was in school. we were a group of five students. So we were doing decoration for the art exhibition. After two hours of decoration, two teachers came to us and one of them said that u have mistaken the decoration Remove this, Do that in this way, on the other hand, another teacher told us the same thing in a different manner and we are more likely to listen to her as she was not forcing her ideas on us.

If you give suggestions to someone else they will more likely to take it in a better way on the other hand when people are ordered they refuse to do it by putting their ego first. Suggestion doesn't mean that you should force your ideas on someone else, it is just that let other people allowed doing things themselves, let them learn from their mistakes.
People are more likely to accept the orders when they are involved in the decision. Hearing suggestion from others make you think about the idea once or twice but hearing order from others maybe make you egoistic.
Another important thing is that, Along with giving the suggestion, you must ask for a question like what they want, How they want it to be done. It actually generates a good conversation between you and another person to whom you are talking. It also makes you change people's minds without giving offense. Now we all know that everyone has skills they want it to implement according to them. A technique like encouraging them with their ideas, give them a suggestion which will force them to think once, makes both of you get happiness.
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