How to build good relationship with other ?

I remembered once I met a lady. A lady who was always polite & courteous in front of others but when their back turns she started backbiting. There was certain pomposity in her way of speaking where I found that she feels that the people around her have a certain problem with her. According to her, she was always right. This attitude of her made her angry day by day & she was the only one who was suffering as she started spending time alone.
Our one hour of conversation made me realize that the problem was with her way of thinking that arises because of some family issues of her. I told her that we have no one to blame and no one to change but ourselves.
If you grow a seed, and if you want it to grow well, then you will have to take care of it in the same way as you want the result. A Dog just like any other species has acquired the ability to understand & communicate with humans. If you behave well with the dog, then it will also behave well with you but if you behave rudely might be it will barks at you or bite you. Everyone wants to feel important.
The more love & goodwill you flow, the more comes back to you.
Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis & one of the most important figures in the history of psychology, said that unless the personality has love, it sickens & dies.
Just like animals if you spread love towards your friends, family, or the people around you they will also think of talking to you well, no matter how angry they are.
Furthermore, another important thing is that no one can annoy you or make you sad or angry until you permit them to do so. Treat people in a way as you want to be treated by others. Possibly there may be few people whose chaotic conditions made them so. They should be treated well just like any other happy person. May be your understanding behavior help them to get out of their conditions.
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